Catch Report: Max Walker
Promo member Max had a cheeky session on Sunday Down the drains, here is what Max had to say.
So, Sunday me and my mate Dan managed to get back down the river for a quick session again 
armed with a lure rod and dead bait rod each we started working the spots.. Within the first 15 minutes we had both lost 1 each on lure
so we headed on further up the river and stumbled on a new spot to try anyway within 10 minutes I landed the first little jack
then just as I put it back Dan was in on lure as well
just another jack but great fun all the same… we eventually set up on a last spot we found and Dan managed 1 more 
all good fun but weirdly we still get to catch on dead’s we tried all sorts to ,, all caught on red Squido slime injected lures